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CoolSteam Steam Seafood Cooker
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Low-Temperature Continuous 
Steam Seafood Cooking Equipment

The CoolSteam® continuous steam cooker technology dramatically and permanently changed the way the world cooks, shrimp, crab, lobster, and other with our patented low temperature, forced convection cooking.


The Laitram Machinery Seafood CoolSteam® Technology uses a forced convection method. In this process, a low-temperature mixture of air and steam is constantly circulated inside the chamber, distributing heat efficiently and uniformly. The product is cooked consistently using less steam than traditional methods, and maintaining high-quality products.

The World is Cooking in our Shrimp CoolSteam Systems improving their profit per pound.

More than 280 CoolSteam Systems Operating Globally in Seafood, Nuts, and Vegetables.

Increase yield

1%-7% compared to any other method of cooking on the market.

Energy Savings

Decrease energy costs by 25% - 85%.  Precise temperature control and uniformity.

Product Quality

Consistent, uniform and predictable cooked product. 

Food Safety

Meets rigorous food safety and sanitary design principles. Temperature consistency  of +/- 0.5C.

CoolSteam Principles: 
Forced Convection & Low Temperature Steam Cooking. 

Precise Temperature Control within chamber, with a homogenized mixture of air and steam.

The lower-temp environment (55 Ëš -100ËšC) prevents yield loss and flavor on outside surface.


Forced Convection Cooking CoolSteam

Shrimp, Crab, Lobster, Scallops cooked using the CoolSteam® Technology maintain a lower internal temperature thanks to forced convection, so the outside of the product does not become overcooked.


CoolSteam provides outstanding temperature consistency, and better heat absorption, reducing cold spots, and the need for frequent adjustments. 


As a result, more of the product’s natural moisture and nutrients are retained and texture, taste, and appearance are superior. 


The product core reaches the lethal temperature range without overcooking the outside surface.

CoolSteam Cooking and CHilling System MVP
Proven CoolSteam Yield and Energy Benefits + New and Better features now with New and Better features. Learn more...
CoolSteam Crab Cooker
Product Applications


  • Farm Raised  

  • Cold water 

  • Wild Caught


  • Snow Crab

  • Brown Crab

  • King Crab 

  • Dungeness 


  • Cold Water

  • Warm Water 




Features ​


  • CoolSteam® Continous Shrimp, Crab, Lobster, and Crawfish Steam Cookers are easily configurable to meet specific customer needs.

  • Our Patented design with product repositioning (flips) allows for the ultimate control of food safety and quality assurance.

  • The large variety of application-specific discharges and belt configurations

  • Large Access on both sides for cleanability.

  • Wide-open areas with doors on both sides for easy cleanability and access.  

  • Self Cleaning Belt features.

  • Independent Zone Temperatures

  • Process Control System to easily monitor and control the cooking process, and recipes, with data at your fingertips and remote access. 

  • Auxiliary Equipment: The Laitram Seafood CoolSteam® Cooking Feed System continuously and evenly feeds and measures high volumes of raw, debris-free products to the CoolSteam® Cooker. It includes a Rock Rank, Scale and Hopper system, Lift Conveyor, and Feed Tank. 

CoolSteam Crawfish Cooking
CoolSteam Lobster Cooking
CoolSteam Shrimp Cooker
CoolSteam Crab Cooking
CoolSteam Crab Cooking
CoolSteam Shrimp Cooker

"I have been very pleased with the purchase of our Laitram CoolSteam® Cooker. Compared to our conventional cooker, the Laitram produced 2% higher yield, 50% savings in fuel, and overall a more consistent cooking process. It is extremely reliable and cooks the shrimp perfect every time, giving us peace of mind. Laitram has been an excellent business partner and we look forward to working with them in the future."

Sandhya Aqua Exports


"In year 2003, Vietfoods invested in two Laitram CoolSteam® Cookers which had yield performance and quality of cooked products greatly satisfying us. In year 2011, we invested two more Laitram Cookers."



"The Laitram CoolSteam® Cooker provides a more uniform and controllable cooking temperature that assures compliance with existing regulations without compromising cook yield or product quality."

University of Florida


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