CoolSteam® Compatible Rainfall Chilling System
Save energy and preserve high yields with Laitram Machinery's Rainfall Chilling System. Designed for use with the CoolSteam® series of Cookers, Blanchers, and Pasteurizers, your product exits your CoolSteam® machine and immediately enters the chilling process, stopping the CoolSteam® process.
The modular design of Laitram's Rainfall Chiller makes it customizable to your specific needs. Machine operation is based on thermodynamic principles:
Achieve the same cooling rate with warmer water as you do with ice.
Convective Cooling
Heat is removed faster by a moving fluid than by a stationary one. This effect is the same as “Wind Chill”.
Integrated Solution / Closed-Loop System (Optional)
This solution integrates the entire chilling loop. Laitram Machinery recommends using a Closed-Loop System when:
Water availability is limited.
You want to reduce your water usage by 90%.
Water discharge costs are high.
Improves yield an additional 1% to 2% from CoolSteam® Cooking.
Energy savings of 25% to 75%. Compared to ice methods or traditional water chilling.
Improves product quality and consistency by the quicker chilling process.
Integrated controls with the CoolSteam® Cooker or Blancher.