NEWS! Laitram Machinery acquires Martak's shrimp peeling business.
NEWS! Laitram Machinery to acquire substantially all the assets of Martak’s shrimp peeling business
NEWS! Laitram Machinery acquires Martak's shrimp peeling business.
Second Laitram Nut School Recap
Beyond the Boat: Seafood handling, processing, and packaging
Seafood Global Expo Highlights
First Laitram Nut School Recap
New Article: What to look for in a shrimp cooking system?
Shrimp Cooking School Ecuador
Laitram - 2022 US Best Managed Company
Top Workplaces 2022: Employee care, benefits package push Laitram to top of competition
Laitram China @ China Fisheries & Seafood Expo Oct 27-29
Inside Laitram Machinery _ Assembly
Inside Laitram Machinery - State-of-the-art Bystronic press brakes.
Laitram Machinery Hurricane Ida Update
Inside Laitram Machinery
Innovations in Seafood Packaging by Dr. Evelyn Watts.